
The Brain Injury Community Alliance (BICA) is a collective of community leaders with a range of lived experience with Brain Injury. We are providers of brain injury support programs, people living with “changed brains,” family members, caregivers, neuro-specialists, state agency representatives, and more.

Why we exist

We are committed to:

  • Ensuring the needs of people living with brain injury are systematically addressed and supported through both state funds and independent fundraising.
  • Partnering across the spectrum of national, state, and local institutions, and government to create the relationships required to build comprehensive and scalable solutions.
  • Creating a future that includes adequate, accessible, ubiquitous, and continuous lifetime support for the people in our community living with permanent life changes and disability related to brain injury.

Who we represent

We represent the brain injury community of Washington. This includes the people and family members that are living permanent life changes and disability due to brain injury.

How we operate

We are volunteer driven. Our organization is not funded. We have no money. We have only our commitment to stand by each other to not be broken.